
KinderAbendZooClass Hours and Location

Our classes are designed to be taken for the full year of September til June. We take a break in July and August, as many of our students travel back to Germany during the summer! If you are a new student, you can join us any time with a prorated fee!

The first session is held September – December. Starting dates are after Labor Day and Ending dates before Christmas. The second session is held January – March and the third session April – June. We usually take a one week break during Thanksgiving and elementary school spring break.

Our classes are mixed aged classes, around 10-15 children with 2 teachers.

Thursday afternoon:
School age kids, age 4 and up, 3:45-5:15 pm

Children start the afternoon in a circle time. They talk about different topics, maybe an upcoming holiday, their favorite animal or food or fun they had with their friends. We also play language games and practice the the German alphabet, the pronunciation of letters and formation of sounds (such as ‘ei’ or ‘au’).  They also learn the meaning of letters and words by using a white board, matching words on cards to objects and playing sound games.Children learn to retell stories, recite poems or songs and illustrate them creatively.

Children also learn about German culture and often use drawing, painting and crafts to familiarize kids with German holidays, such as St. Martin, Nikolaus, Christmas and Easter. We invite the parents to celebrate such holidays with us and organize special events in the evenings.

Image 12Friday morning:
Preschoolers, age 3 and up (potty trained) 8:45 am-12:15 pm

The morning starts with play in our room. We use toys and art materials to encourage the children to play with each other. Then, we gather the kids for ‘circle time’ and engage each child in conversation, sing songs and play games that involve language. Our puppet visits ever morning and it is amazing to see kids’ interaction with ‘Mimi’, our mouse!

After a break on the playground, we come inside again to do crafts, such as drawing, painting or creating holiday decorations, often with found and natural materials. Besides learning the language, we deeply value this part of KinderZoo!

We eat lunch together outside and then it’s time to go home!Image 2








Please inquire about cost and further information by email